

Ngrok is a popular tool that allows developers to expose a web server running on their local machine to the internet. It creates a secure tunnel from a public endpoint to a locally running web service. This can be useful for testing webhooks, APIs, and other web services that require a publicly accessible endpoint. Ngrok provides a public URL that can be used to access the local web server, which eliminates the need for a dedicated server or a domain name to test the web service. Ngrok can be downloaded for free and is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

基本的にローカル環境で開発しているアプリをインターネットに公開することはできないんだよね。たとえ、グローバルipが割り当てられているマシンでも、localhost:3000とかで動いています、ってなると外部の3000にアクセスしてもだめなわけだ。 このローカルの3000をngrockっていうアプリを使って、ngrockのサーバを経由して外に見せる方法がこれなわけだね。 おそらくこれもグローバルipを外部にさらさなくても見られるようにするツールだと思うんだよね。

これに似たツールに、remote.itがあると思っているんだけどどうなんだ。 (formerly known as Weaved) is a platform that provides secure remote access to IoT devices, embedded systems, and other networked devices. It enables users to connect to their devices remotely and securely from anywhere in the world using any device, without the need for a VPN or a public IP address.

The platform works by establishing a secure, encrypted connection between the remote device and the user's device using a proprietary protocol. This allows users to remotely access and manage their devices over the internet, without exposing them to potential security threats. provides a variety of features, such as the ability to configure and manage devices remotely, access device logs and diagnostics, and integrate with third-party services. It also offers a REST API for developers to integrate remote access capabilities into their own applications and services.

The platform is designed for use in a wide range of industries, including home automation, industrial automation, healthcare, and education. It is available as a cloud-based service, as well as an on-premise solution for companies that require complete control over their remote access infrastructure.



